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Blue Words by M.C. Edwards: Interview + Giveaway

Blue Words
by M.C. Edwards

Genre: Contemporary/Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Warpath Print   
Number of pages: 334  
Cover Artist: Geoff Craig 

Common threads have always woven through the world's mythology and folklore, strings which seem to link cultures divided by the vastness of oceans and time.  

Have you ever wondered why? What if I told you that they all stem from a single origin.....the Varth-lokkr. Within this ancient creature's blood, stirs the power to save or enslave the world as we know it, a power ignited by a simple word. But which does it truly desire?  

This dark urban fantasy follows one of these creatures through its emergence into 21st century Australia. It chronicles the rise of those who oppose it, those who ally themselves with it and those who are unwillingly drawn into its wake.  

Shed the blood. Speak the words. Change the world.

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M.C. Edwards, or Eddie as he is known to his mates, grew up in a coastal town on the picturesque Central Queensland coast of Australia. He has travelled to many corners of the world and has a love of all things bizarre. He enjoys motorcycles, beards, comics, videogames and the taste of a fine single malt scotch. In his writing he crafts immersive worlds which mix reality and fantasy to create a strangely believable mix.

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Q & A with M.C. Edwards

Q:  Tell us a little bit about your main characters.
The stars of Blue Words are definitely Gudrik and George. Gudrik is a creature whose blue blood can alter reality and matter with ancient words. George on the other hand is a slightly unhinged ex-party girl come single mother. Then throw in a group of ageless followers called the Inscribed who are tattooed in that same blue blood and a manipulative mining magnate, it makes for a fairly interesting mix.


Q:  Describe your ideal writing spot.
My ideal spot to write changes depending on what I am writing. I like to be sitting at my computer free of distraction when I am on fire and know exactly what I want to get down, but if I am in a period of writer’s block I do the complete opposite, I head out somewhere full of distractions to see what might jumpstart the process. When I am writing a setting description, I tend to go to the area that inspired it or at least a place very similar. I love to write at the beach.

Q:  Who designed the covers for your book and what was that process like for you as the author?
Geoff Craig designed my cover; he is a graphic artist in my home town. The process was really easy actually, I would give him these scratchy crooked sketches of what I wanted and he would turn them into something that looked amazing.

Q:  What is the best advice you have been given?
“Write something that interests you and there will be others out there that feel the same.”

This advice came from an old English teacher I had. it’s advice that really resonates with me because I feel like there is too much writing out there that was forced out in order to fit a certain market. There are some average works out there by amazing writers who you can tell just weren’t fully absorbed in the project.

Q:  How do you keep busy when you're not writing?
I don’t really read much while I am in the writing process, I find it influences me way too heavily, so when I am not writing I catch up on my reading list.

Q:  If you could have any superhuman ability, what would you choose and why?
Wolverine, Deadpool and all of those enhanced healers have the best of it in my opinion. There’s no disfigurement to hide (well I guess Deadpool does, but whose keeping tabs right?), no dangerous powers to master, just indulge and enjoy life to its fullest without the specter of death hanging over your head. 

Q:  Which do you prefer: hard/paperbacks or ebooks?
A:  I read a lot of ebooks, but there is no denying that I still prefer the smell and feel of print. I was just opening a box of freshly printed paperbacks the other day and I had this awkward moment where I just hovered over the open box sniffing. The weight of a big, old hardback is pretty cool too.

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  1. Awesome blog site, thank you for the giveaway. Blue Words fit perfectly on your blog 😄


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