Title: Redemption Author: H.D. Gordon Series: The Alexa Montgomery Saga #4 Goodreads Rating: The final test is here. The war is no longer a worry of tomorrow, but a reality of today. Turning back is no longer an option. Maybe it never was. It is time for Alexa Montgomery to look fate in the eyes. Death waits there for certain. The only question is... for who? Add Redemption to your Goodreads list! See the whole Alexa Montgomery series on Goodreads! My Thoughts- Redemption by H.D. Gordon My rating: 5 of 5 stars Writing this review is bittersweet. I absolutely fell in love with this series and the characters therein, but it came to a necessary end. You have to love a book that can punch you in the gut in the last chapter. It was not at all what I was expecting, but then, why read a book if you know exactly what's coming? As I have said in all my reviews for this series, I love H.D. Gordon's writing. She has a way with words and is able to
She reads books as one would breathe air, to fill up and live. -Annie Dillard