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Interview: Mind's Eye (Mind's Eye #1) by Rebecca A. Rogers

Mind’s Eye (Mind's Eye #1)
by Rebecca A. Rogers
Genre: Paranormal (with romantic elements)
Publisher: Rebecca A. Rogers
Number of pages: 284
Cover Artist: Rebecca A. Rogers

Seventeen-year-old Kearly Ashling can travel anywhere her mind takes her—literally. Becoming Empress of the planet Cyeor and battling monstrous, otherworldly creatures isn’t a problem. Living among the elves on the Plains of Glasslyn has yet to be an issue, as well. Even touring normal places like Paris, London, Tokyo, and the Amazon Rainforest isn’t difficult.

But traveling through her imagination isn’t just fun and games—it has consequences. Following a battle on the planet Cyeor, she’s visited by a guy who’s unimagined. He warns her to stop using her gift or they will find her. Kearly doesn’t heed the messenger’s advice and soon wishes she had. When the messenger finds her again, he transports her to the M.I.N.D., a corporation which specializes in “healing the psyche.” Once she’s inside the M.I.N.D.’s doors, however, Kearly realizes escaping is nearly impossible.

Now, she must figure out the M.I.N.D.’s true intent, try not to fall for the irritating-yet-handsome messenger, and find a way to outsmart the organization before they stop her from ever imagining again.

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I'd like to welcome Rebecca Rogers to Shut Up & Read!  Thanks for being here with us today!

Q:  Tell us a little bit about your main characters.
Kearly Ashling is like any normal, seventeen-year-old girl, except she has the ability to physically disappear inside her imagination. She can travel to any place she dreams up and interact with the characters in her dreamscapes.
Dominic is pretty dark and mysterious, but I blame his upbringing. He’s a Realist, which means those like him, brought up inside the M.I.N.D.’s (Ministry for International Neurological Disorders) walls, erase people’s imaginations for a living. People like Kearly.

Q:  What was your favorite scene to write?
My favorite scene was a battle that took place on an imaginary planet. I also enjoyed writing Kearly’s visit to the Plains of Glasslyn, home of elves and fairies.

Q:  What is your work schedule like when you're writing?

On a typical day, I sleep in, then get up, take my dog out, brew a pot of coffee, turn on my computer, and get to writing. Sometimes, I can write until late at night; other times, only a few hours. It just depends on how focused I am.

Q:  How has your environment/upbringing colored your writing?
I grew up reading all the time—mostly Little House on the Prairie and Goosebumps—and I always loved to fantasize I was a character from a book, or a TV show. One day, I’d pretend I lived on the prairie; the next day, I’d pretend to be Xena. Now, I fantasize being different characters, then put it all down on a Word document and call it a book.

Q:  If you could be any character from your book, who would you be and why?
Oh, I’d be Kearly. I’d love to have the ability to travel anywhere I could imagine.

Q:  What do you do to unwind and relax?
I either read or watch TV. Listening to music helps, too.

Q:  If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
There are many places I’d love to visit. I have a very nomadic spirit, but I don’t have the money to satisfy my wanderlust. So, eventually, I’ll buy an RV and travel across the US, visit all fifty states (well, forty-nine by RV, and Hawaii by plane), hopefully finding offbeat destinations and amazing eateries. I’d also love to spend a good six months in Great Britain, especially Scotland. That’s been a fantasy of mine for many years. One day, I’ll check off many items on my bucket list, but for now, I can dream.

Q:  What book are you reading now?

I read about four to six books at a time. The one I’m hooked on right now, though, is Shadowfell. I’m obsessed with epic fantasies, and I can’t wait to spend more time reading as many as I can.

Rebecca expressed her creative side at an early age and hasn’t stopped since. She won’t hesitate to tell you that she lives inside her imagination, and it’s better than reality.

She’d insert something here along the lines of living in the Northeast, USA, or Europe, with her wonderful husband and their dogs, but these things haven’t happened yet. Instead, she’ll tell you she’s an avid gamer, chocoholic, coffee addict, animal lover, and owns way too many books and shoes.


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