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Heat by Aubrey Irons + Interview

A Soldiers of Fortune Romance
by Aubrey Irons

Genre: Contemporary Romance, Military Romance,  New Adult Romance, Billionaire Romance,  Alpha Male, Bad-Boy
Number of pages: 237
Cover Artist: Aubrey Irons

Five years ago, that cocky, egotistical a**hole played me like a fool and broke my heart.

Hudson Banks; the dominant, tattooed, womanizing, ex-Marine-turned-billionaire who runs God-knows-what at my late father’s company.

Oh, and he’s sexy as all f**k, and he damn well knows it.

He’s like a gasoline fire; a scorchingly hot disaster, and if I’m not careful, I’m going to get burned.

I’m on track to be the youngest New York State Senator ever elected; the bright, gutsy, good-girl media darling. Except my campaign funding just went dry, and it looks like the only solution is coming from the last person on Earth I’d ever want to take anything from. Oh, and it turns out bad-boy, tough-guy Hudson will be shadowing me 24/7 after he makes it clear that he’s in charge of "protecting the investment".

Yeah, just perfect; a reckless, irresistible d*ck like Hudson Banks is the last person I need being “in charge” of anything to do with me.

Especially when I still can’t forget the taste of his lips or the feeling of that massive hardness I know he’s packing between his legs. It’s not fair that he’s even hotter now than he was back then. It’s not fair that those smoldering, arrogant eyes and that cocky, panty-melting grin still make me warm in places they shouldn’t. And it’s definitely not fair that five years later, I still can’t get him out of my head.

So it looks like I’ve got two races on my hands: the one for election, and the one against the burning heat threatening to tear us both apart. But on the sprint to the finish line, what happens when the man who has everything comes up against the one thing he can’t have?

**This is a standalone, HEA novel**

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Available at Amazon

Aubrey Irons enjoys writing about bold, sassy, and intelligent women and the hot, cocky, and quite typically forbidden alpha males who love and lust for them; gripping stories, happy endings, and enough heat to keep things extra steamy!

In the real world, Aubrey is kept plenty entertained by her own tattooed Marine husband, their precocious and adorable three year old, and one very ill-behaved puppy.

Q & A with Aubrey Irons

1. Describe your ideal writing spot.
Have you ever seen “Love, Actually”? My ideal writing spot is either a.) the adorable little house that Colin Firth rents in France to finish his book, or b.) Colin Firth’s adorable London flat earlier in the movie. Stop being so adorable, Colin Firth. Also, I may be writing on the wrong continent!

2. Who designed the covers for your book and what was that process like for you as the author?
As of now, I actually do all my own covers myself. And quite honestly, it’s a lot less “control freak”, and a lot more “getting to be creative in fun new ways”! My father was a graphic designer for 40 years, and though I’m a far cry from a full-time life-long professional like that, I’d like to think I at least picked up some of the basic elements of design along the way.

Making cover for me at least is a way to visualize my main character as I’m writing him. I usually spend way too much time actually, pouring over stock model photos trying to find the perfect shirtless man for my books!

3. What is the best advice you have been given?

When the going gets tough, the tough work harder. Or, as I typically have emblazoned across my desktop: “Work Harder.” Being your own boss in a creative field like writing is tough. I’m pretty easily distracted by all sort of - oh hey, a bird! - things, and having to be your won taskmaster, biggest critic, editor, and manager is tedious and full-time. But, no one has ever achieved their lofty goals and looked back to say “gee, I wish I hadn’t worked so hard to get up here.” ;). So, work harder; future you will thank you.

4. How do you keep busy when you're not writing?

I’m currently writing two novels at the same time; what is this “not writing” time you speak of? ;).

I kid, of course. When I’m not writing, I’m usually reading, and if my eyes get tired of that too, I’m probably out running. I’m actually a semi-competitive distance runner besides being a writer. I’ve run ten marathons, including Boston twice. Running clears my head and puts me in this crazy zen head-space, so if I’m stuck on a scene or just can’t write my way out of the corner I’ve gotten myself into, a long run with some great music usually sets me right.

5. If you could have any superhuman ability, what would you choose and why?

X-ray vision, obviously ;). Flying as a close second.

6. Which do you prefer: hard/paperbacks or ebooks?

Ugh, such the hot topic these days! I am very nostalgic, and I honestly own entirely too many gorgeous, well-loved and well-read hardcover and paper books. But honestly; those things get heavy. I used to be quite the snob about people reading ebooks, but I have to admit, I’ve been converted now; I love them. I’ve got a kindle with something like 80 books on it right now that fits in my purse. I mean, that’s sort of hard to beat. If a book is just stunning though, the nostalgic in me still goes out and at least gets the paperback too.

7. What book are you reading now?
I just finished Andy Weir’s “The Martian” because I am a closet sci-fi nerd, and I am about to delve into “Howl”, the latest shifter romance from my good friend Vivian Wood. She’s amazing; seriously, read her stuff.

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