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Dead of Night by Carlyle Labuschagne: Interview + Giveaway

Dead of Night
The Aftershock Series, Book One
by Carlyle Labuschagne

Genre: YA Dystopian

Publisher: Fire Quill Publishing

Number of pages: 236

Cover Artist: Sandra Valente

In a dark and desolated After Earth, love still does exist, but the cost of bearing such a flaw is death.World War III has left Earth in utter turmoil. People’s beliefs are said to be the cause of the worldwide destruction. After The Clearing new laws are set about – to show certitude in anything besides the law is weak and chargeable as mutiny. To be illogical and have faith in religion is illegal, to be limitless is dangerous. And Illness is seen as a defect – all flaws that are inexcusable.

But to love is the greatest betrayal of all man kind. It is a fault the world has long forgotten and punishable by death, a fatal risk Aecker and Opel are fully prepared to take – because in love there is freedom. But how far can they push back before it claims their lives and of those they care about?

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Carlyle is an South African award wining author, with a flair for mixing genres and adding loads of drama to every story she creates. For now she is happy to take over the world and convert non Sci-fi believers.

Her goal as an author is to touch people's lives, and help others love their differences and one another by delivering strong messages of faith, love and hope within every outrageous world she writes about.

"I love to swim, fight for the trees, and am a food lover who is driven by my passion for life. I dream that one day my stories will change the lives of countless teenagers and have them obsess over the world literacy can offer them instead of worrying about fitting in. Never sacrifice who you are, its in the dark times that the light comes to life."

Carlyle used writing as a healing tool and that is why she started her very own writers support event - SAIR bookfestival.

"To be a helping hand for those who strive to become full times writers, editors, bloggers, readers and cover artists – it’s a crazy world out there you dont have to go it alone!"

Q & A with Carlyle Labuschagne

1. Tell us a little bit about your main characters.

They find themselves in a very difficult setting, where the world after the third world war has left the planet in total devastation physically and socially. Aecker is the future leader of the rebel colony who is a bit of an outsider and finds himself in a compromising situation when he falls in love with the girl from the opposition. Aecker of course doesn’t see this for the fatal flaw it can be in a world where love is forbidden because he grew up before the war and had seen how happy his very much in love parents were and what their love and compassion for others had done for those who became hopeless during and after that war. Aecker is a romantic at heart and loves to get lost in books that he highly regards as treasures. He often finds himself in trouble with older brother Dyllian who is tasked to mold Aecker into the future leader of Cupola leading his people and his father’s legacy into a new world free from human genetic coding.

Opel is a very different girl physically and emotionally form the rest of the girls her age. Who is believed by the rebel groups in Cupola to be a tracker sent to infiltrate and exploit their survival, to threaten their structure and beliefs in human rights. Only thing is Opel cannot remember, all she can remember is that someone tried to kill her for a secret she has no idea she holds. Despite being scared and knowing that something is different about her, she falls in love with a boy she feels comfortable with against all her logic. When she is hunted by those who sent her and those she ran to for shelter she starts to put the clues together and realizes she is everything the love of her life should fear. But she won’t give up on what she has found in her heart even if it means death, very determined to rectify what she is, she sets out to prove the world wrong about her and about what they believe about love.

2. Describe your ideal writing spot.
A balcony overlooking the ocean and forest, with a ricer somewhere nearby I can go and swim in to relax my mind and bring on creativity – to center myself.

3. Who designed the covers for your book and what was that process like for you as the author?
Dead of night was designed by my editor Sandra Valente. I love this process and what I love most of all about this cover is it matches a scene out of the novel perfectly.

4. What is the best advice you have been given?
To never give up, to believe in myself and take my time.

5. How do you keep busy when you're not writing?
My family with two young boys and my being a house owner keep me delightfully busy.

6. If you could have any superhuman ability, what would you choose and why?

Regeneration – I would explore everything possible – especially extreme sports. Yes that would be my awesome ability to regenerate, so I won’t be scared of jumping off a cliff into the ocean below.

7. Which do you prefer: hard/paperbacks or ebooks?
Both hold very unique qualities for me. eBooks because they are cheaper and easily accessible. Paperback books are just so beautiful and you can read them outside.

8. What book are you reading now?
Chelsea fine’s Avow and Heather Hildenbrand’s Dirty Blood.

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