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Q & A with S.J. Romero

H narratives, #1
by S.J. Romero

H narratives: Divulgence, is the mind-altering, epic introduction to an afterlife never imagined. Six people wake to find themselves in strange surroundings without food, water, or explanation.

Unable to escape, patience is lost and tempers flare as impossible things happen far too often, leading to the only conclusion that makes sense—they must be dead.

Educational undertakings become challenging tests and each is preparation for a war-games environment in which humans are entertainment for their ruling overseers known as Rivaaja.

Six people, three women and three men, must work together to survive their surroundings as well as their own mind.

H narratives: Divulgence, begins a journey like no other and establishes a disturbing truth—death is not what we thought.

Paperback, 370 pages
Published August 26th 2015

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Read It & Reap Date:  May 3, 2016

A Southern California native, S.J. spent 20+ years in advertising before deciding he wanted to write a novel. Nights and weekends were soon filled with the sounds of tapping keyboard keys until H narratives: Divulgence was complete. S.J. now spends his nights and weekends on the remaining stories in the H narratives series. Stay tuned...

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                                        Q & A with S.J. Romero

Q:  Tell us a little bit about your main characters.
There are six main characters that have been put together to serve as a group or team. Three men and three women who come from different nationalities and walks of life. Toby - a former member of the Special Forces. Palani - a burgeoning mixed martial arts fighter. Jesse - a wealthy business man. Kirsten - a house wife. Elena - a border patrol agent. Michi - a college student. Their variety of skills, cultural backgrounds, and personalities, are meant to be challenges to overcome. Each character must learn to operate within a team structure in order to survive chaotic situations.

Q:  Who designs the covers for your books and what is that process like for you as an author?

I designed the cover for this book and the process was one of trial and error. I work on some ideas, pass it around for input, make some changes, add some elements and repeat. Family members and friends are great at giving free input, although some can take their role of art critic a tad too far.

Q:  Describe your ideal writing spot.
My ideal writing spot is a quiet room with no interruptions that allows me to funnel my thoughts to keyboard in steady, focused, streams. I don't like to sleep (although I realize it's importance) and so prefer to work at night. I have a home office that suits me well, complete with exercise ball and sit up bench for those really late nights where I need to stretch and stay alert.

Q:  What is the best advice you have been given?
I don't know that I've been given "best advice", but I have accumulated a mindset that nobody will do it for you. If you have a goal, whatever that goal might be, it's up to you to achieve it. Others will hopefully help you to achieve that goal, but you have to be willing to do it yourself. I appreciate all the help that I get, and all of the support of friends, family, and book purchasers, but at the end of the day, I keep writing because it's fun and I believe others will enjoy reading my work.

Q:  As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be, and still strive to be, the best dad I can be. My own dad wasn't terrible, but he remarried and made it clear that I was a second-class citizen. Thankfully, his Catholic guilt kept him paying those child support payments, and I did see him between ski trips and whenever it was convenient for his schedule, but no child should feel like a pet in his own home and for a while there, I didn't know if I was supposed to bark, sit, fetch or sleep outdoors.

Q:  Which do you prefer: hard/paperbacks or ebooks?
Hardback for sure. Maybe it's some form of OCD but a book shouldn't be folded or creased (especially the cover), and it shouldn't be read on a three inch by four inch screen with back lighting. You should enjoy the battle that is required to keep a good sized hardback in your lap and you should enjoy finding the odd bookmarks that are made of metal or wood. You should be able to smell the printing and feel the paper between your fingers as you turn pages and even though you will cringe when purchasing a hardback, you should also smile when you first hear that binding crack as you begin a journey that took somebody months, if not years to complete.

Q:  If you could be any paranormal creature, what would you choose to be and why?
An angel for sure and hopefully a guardian angel so I could hack off some demon heads.

Q:  What book are you reading now?
I'm actually reading three books, which is probably some form of ADD, but it keeps things interesting. Salem's Lot, by Stephen King. Executive Orders, by Tom Clancy. Inhuman Bondage - The Rise and Fall of Slavery in the New World, by David Brion Davis.


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