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Q & A with Jana Grissom

About the Author:

I am a middle school teacher and advocate for foster children and at-risk teens. My debut novel, “One Prince; Two Kingdoms,” came about as a result of disturbing nightmares my two foster children at the time were experiencing. After several nights of being awakened by their screams and running to comfort them, I had an idea – write a story and let their imaginations defeat their fears. The children were excited to hear stories of magical worlds and powerful celestials sent to guard them. Each night before bed, I would add new scenes and more adventures. After a few weeks, the nightmares were replaced with excitement to hear the next chapter read.

The children are now living with their grandparents, but their pictures remain on my walls. “One Prince; Two Kingdoms” is dedicated to them and all the foster children who have been in my care, as well as my past and present students; my family, my two amazing teens, Kaylee and Cody, and my husband and best friend, Roy. I hope “One Prince; Two Kingdoms” will encourage children in a place of transition to have hope and never give up.

I am available to speak to students at secondary schools challenging them with a strong message, “S.T.O.P. Bullying and Suicide". I hold a Master of Education in Administration and Policy Studies and offer professional development in bullying identification, prevention, and intervention. I strongly believe that together we can S.T.O.P. bullying and suicide.

Title:  One Prince; Two Kingdoms

Author:  Jana Grissom

Release Date:  October 31, 2013

Description:  "Many graves were dug open with the aged caskets removed and overturned. Remains littered the graveyard. It looked like a backyard destroyed by a puppy that chewed up everything in sight. The gate suddenly slammed shut behind us and locked itself. We were committed now."

Johnny Boggs is a teen with trouble to spare who has learned one thing in life - trust no one. Paranoia befriends him as he moves into his fifth foster home and discovers no one appears as they are, his dreams are not just dreams, and he is supposedly the Prince of Shamayim.

Fate requires Johnny to leave the protection of this world but allows for him to choose to reign over the light or turn to the darkness. A vicious competition begins as
two kingdoms fight for his loyalty while two beautiful girls, Danielle and Shay, fight for his attention. He cannot resist the beauty of his dreams, nor can he turn away from the one who has his heart.

Q & A with Jana Grissom

Q:  Tell me a little about yourself.
A: In the real world, I am a mom of two amazing teens and married to Roy, my high-school sweetheart. (Yes, fairy tales can be reality!) I love puppies, laughter, and lots of CHOCOLATE! Most of all, I love my family because they rock!

Professionally, I am a middle school teacher, an advocate for foster children and at-risk teens, and I am a speaker who encourages students at secondary schools to S.T.O.P. Bullying and Suicide! With a Master of Education in Administration and Policy Studies, I offer professional development in bullying identification, prevention, and intervention. 

Q:  What inspired you to write? What type of genre do you write?
  My two children, past foster children, and middle school students needed to learn to use their imaginations for good. I wrote for my kids and eventually taught them how to take one small idea and create their unique story. My imagination continued to soar with ideas which are now on a list of “to be written” novels. One day I hope to write them all. Each idea has a paranormal flare in both real and fantasy worlds. I love to add a little bit of sweet romance and crave twists with lots of adventure and action. If my writing becomes predictable, I will rewrite it until my novel is a literary roller-coaster ride for the reader!
Q:  Tell me about your book.
  “Many graves were dug open with the aged caskets removed and overturned. Remains littered the graveyard. It looked like a backyard destroyed by a puppy that chewed up everything in sight. The gate suddenly slammed shut behind us and locked itself. We were committed now.”

Johnny Boggs is a teen with trouble to spare who has learned one thing in life - trust no one. Paranoia befriends him as he moves into his fifth foster home and discovers no one appears as they are, his dreams are not just dreams, and he is supposedly the Prince of Shamayim.

On Johnny’s sixteenth birthday, fate requires him to leave the protection of this world but allows for him to choose to reign over the light or turn to the darkness. A vicious competition begins as two kingdoms fight for his loyalty while two beautiful girls, Danielle and Shay, fight for his attention. Time is running out; a decision must be made. Johnny finds it impossible to resist the beauty of his dreams, nor can he turn away from the one who has his heart. 
Q:  Tell us about the main characters, what makes them unique and what makes them tick.
  Johnny Boggs is a foster kid who cannot stay out of trouble. He loves to look in the mirror and has no problem speaking to girls until he meets Shay and Danielle. He finds himself awkward and stumbling over his words. To make matters worse, he learns that he has certain gifts that only a prince can control. Poor guy acts on impulse and has to fight through one predicament after another. He has one main weakness, taking action before thinking things through. 
Q:  What inspired you to write this book?
  My debut novel, “One Prince; Two Kingdoms,” came about in response to the disturbing nightmares my two foster children at the time were experiencing. After several nights of being awakened by their screams and running to comfort them, I had an idea – write a story and let their imaginations defeat their fears. The children were excited to hear stories of magical worlds and powerful celestials sent to guard them. Each night before bed, I would add new scenes and more adventures. After a few weeks, the nightmares were replaced with excitement to hear the next chapter read.

The children are now living with their grandparents, but their pictures remain on my walls. “One Prince; Two Kingdoms” is dedicated to them and all the foster children who have been in my care, as well as my past and present students; my family, my two amazing teens, Kaylee and Cody, and my husband and best friend, Roy. I hope “One Prince; Two Kingdoms” will encourage children in a place of transition to have hope and never give up.
Q:  What other books or blogs have you written?
  Currently, I have two completed manuscripts waiting to be published. Drawn is a NA Paranormal Thriller with plenty of Romance. Alex is trying to find who she is but feels drawn to another life with another man. Come Back To Me is a YA Paranormal Thriller. Chloe finds happiness that pulls her away from her family but her father is not willing to let a painting take his baby girl. 

I also post Top Ten lists, author interviews, and social media advice weekly on my blog, A Novel Reality. 
I love to help authors make their novels a reality by supporting their blog tours or sharing publishing/marketing advice. In contrast to the professional content, my Top Ten lists are according to my teenagers’ mood. Ha! If they are joking about the worst pick up lines – I write a Top Ten. If they are complaining about friends – I write a Top Ten. Everyone needs a little comic relief! My teenagers love having a Mom who blogs.
Q:  Were your other books self-published or traditionally published?
  One Prince; Two Kingdoms is my first published novel! I am considering e-publishing my next two titles, Drawn and Come Back To Me, after the first of the year. Keep an eye on my Twitter
and Blog for more release announcements!
Q:  Who is your greatest writing inspiration?
  My family. Generic answer, but it is the truth. My family has been through so much together. We have unique experiences that no other family has had to endure; near death experiences, health anomalies, paranormal experiences, and several injustices. These experiences have united the four of us with a bond that no man can break! My husband and teens inspire me every day to write about our world with the goal of helping others. 

My daughter is my beta reader, my critic, and fellow writer currently working on a high school series about her life as a cheerleader who endured major health complications and bullying. 

She inspires me!

My son is like no character I could imagine who helps me write from the teenage guy’s perspective.

He inspires me! 

My husband loves me, supports me, and listens to my ideas providing feedback even when he would prefer to watch Duck Dynasty. (Thank goodness for the pause button on cable!) 

He inspires me! 

I haven’t even mentioned the rest of my awesome extended family, my students, or my friends! I am one lucky lady.
Q:  If you could only bring three items with you to a deserted island (non-writing items or people) what would they be and why?
  1. Chocolate! Need I say more? 2. Video Camera. If I can’t write and I won’t have anyone to talk to, then I must have a communication outlet or I will go insane. I prefer talking to a video camera over a volleyball. LOL3. My Chihuahua. (You didn’t say I couldn’t bring a pet. Ha!) As long as she doesn’t poop on the rug, I love to be with her and she loves me. 

Q:  The world is going to end tomorrow. How do you live out your remaining time?
  What else is there to do but try to save the world? I am an optimist to the end. There is a solution for everything and if there is not, I will die trying to find one.\
Q:  Someone wants to make a movie based on your life. Who would you pick to play you?
  Sandra Bullock! She is beautiful and very talented. Her experience in life and acting would provide the skills to adequately portray the heat, congeniality, and speed of my life.
Q:  Alive or dead, who is the one person you would want to interview and why?
  Marilyn Monroe. She was a curvy, strong woman ahead of her time. She impacted the world around her and was the center of conspiracy for the majority of her famous life. I would love to know the real truth and what was her secret to beauty.
Q:  Okay, crystal ball time. Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?
  In a perfect world, I will be juggling a successful author career visiting schools and speaking to teens while simultaneously teaching my favorite seventh graders at GMS!
Q:  Any final words for our readers?
  Your dream is within your reach if you are willing to try. Do not let anyone make you feel unworthy or incapable of greatness. You are unique and have something valuable to share with the world. Don’t be afraid. Go for it! Make an impact in this world that will echo into eternity!
Q:  Where can we find you?
  I am available to speak at your school, host an author interview, or visit your bookstore. Send me your request via email, No venue is too small! I am from a small town and love meeting friendly folks!
You can also find me all over social media. I love meeting new friends! Here are my links:








  1. This sounds really interesting. Can't wait for the release!

  2. I love that your family is such a strong support and influence for you. I feel the same way about mine and don't know where I'd be without them.


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