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The Sephra’s Tear by Robyn Bachar: Interview + Giveaway

The Sephra’s Tear
Just One Spell, Book One
by Robyn Bachar

Genre: Fantasy Romance

Publisher: Robyn Bachar

Number of pages: 318

Cover Artist: Amygdala Design

Just one spell will change their fates…

Cordelia is a pawn of House Dorchada—a notorious noble family comprised of thieves, assassins and dark wizards. Desperate to avoid their poisonous politics, Cordelia plotted her escape for years, but her carefully laid plans are jeopardized when her father commands her to marry an aged lord of Frostever.

With only a few short months left before her wedding, Cordelia’s salvation hinges on creating a Sephra’s Tear—a forbidden amulet that causes overwhelming lust in its victim. A black market buyer promises a life-changing amount of coin as payment for the Tear, but being caught creating it carries a death sentence.

Two wizards are needed to produce the passion to fuel the erotic spell, so Cordelia recruits the aid of peasant wizard Nathaniel Ravenwood. Nathaniel has long denied his desire for the beautiful Cordelia. As a noblewoman and a Dorchada she is as dangerous to Nathaniel as a viper, but the fortune she offers is a temptation he can't refuse.

Dealing in dark magic comes with a price, and Cordelia and Nathaniel risk losing their freedom—and their hearts. Their fates depend on the one spell that will free them, or destroy them.

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Robyn Bachar enjoys writing stories with soul mates, swords, spaceships, vampires and gratuitous violence against the kitchen sink. Her books have finaled twice in the PRISM Contest for Published Authors, twice in the Passionate Plume Contest, and twice in the EPIC eBook Awards. As a gamer, Robyn has spent many hours rolling dice, playing rock-paper-scissors, and slaying creatures in mmorpgs.

You can find Robyn online at and on Twitter at @RobynBachar.

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                                                 Q & A with Robyn Bachar

Q:  Tell us a little bit about your main characters.
The Sephra’s Tear is a bit of a dark fantasy twist on the rich girl and the boy from the wrong side of the tracks. Cordelia Dorchada comes from a wealthy noble family—not a good family, because they’ve built their empire with dark magic and organized crime. Cordelia wants nothing to do with her family or her impending arranged marriage, and she recruits the help of peasant wizard Nathaniel Ravenwood. Nathaniel has the potential to become a great wizard—if he can afford the outrageous costs of a magical education.

Who designed the covers for your book and what was that process like for you as the author?

The cover for The Sephra’s Tear was created by Amygdala Design. She has a pre-made cover shop that is filled with amazing covers that I drool over, and one day I noticed that she was having a sale. I was browsing the covers when I spotted this one. It was perfect for The Sephra’s Tear, and I bought it immediately even though at the time I wasn’t ready to publish the book yet. I can’t wait to see what she comes up with for the second book!

What is the best advice you have been given?

As far as writing advice, it’s “give yourself permission to write garbage, because you can fix it later in editing.” You can’t edit a blank page. As far as life advice, it is don’t sweat the small stuff. The world won’t end if you don’t get your banana nut muffin. (I work in a bakery as my day job. You’d be amazed at how many epic temper tantrums grown adults have over cookies.)

How do you keep busy when you're not writing?

I work in a bakery as my day job. ;) I enjoy it because I get paid to bake cookies and pies, though it’s hell being on a diet and surrounded by donuts. Donuts are my greatest weakness. Especially the vanilla frosted ones that are dipped in coconut. They’re like sugary kryptonite.

Which do you prefer: hard/paperbacks or ebooks?

I think it depends on the situation. There are a few authors that are auto-buy for me in hardcover and paperback (like Nora Roberts, Tiffany Reisz, Seanan McGuire and Jim C. Hines). But my bookcases are overflowing, and having moved twice in the last 5 years I’ve become very appreciative of e-books, because one Kindle is easier to move than 50 boxes of books.

What book are you reading now?

I just finished reading Entreat Me by Grace Draven. I recently read her Master of Crows and Radiance, and I LOVED them. They’re my catnip. I’m also working my way through the Eli Monpress series by Rachel Aaron.

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