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Breaking Her Rules by Jennifer Snow: Interview + Giveaway

Breaking Her Rules
Beyond the Cage #1
by Jennifer Snow 

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Publisher: Penguin Random House

Number of pages: 300
Cover Artist: Penguin Random House

MMA fighters go the distance in this all-new series from Jennifer Snow, author of the Brookhollow novels.

Walker Adams was supposed to follow in his lawyer father’s footsteps, but instead he’s training to be an MMA fighter. And while he works for his chance to make it in the Maximum Fight League, he’s bunking on his baby sister’s best friend’s couch. Gracie Andrews is all grown up—in all the right places. But she’s engaged to the fight match-maker who holds Walker’s career in his hands…

Gracie had almost convinced herself that she’d put her silly childhood crush on Walker to rest. But the sight of him sleeping in only a pair of boxer briefs makes it clear that some things never change. And as old sparks turn to flames, Gracie is forced to decide between the future she thought she wanted or the man she’s never stopped loving…

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Available at Amazon

Jennifer Snow lives in Edmonton, Alberta with her husband and four year old son. She is a member of the Writers Guild of Alberta, the Romance Writers of America, the Canadian Author Association, and She is also a regular blogger on the Heartwarming Authors site and is a contributing author to Mslexia Magazine, WestWord Magazine and RWR. She has also taught RWA Chapters courses online. Her 2013 Holiday Romance-The Trouble With Mistletoe was a finalist in the 2014 Golden Quill Contest and the Heart of Denver Aspen Gold Contest.

Her publishing credits include two holiday novellas, previously published by The Wild Rose Press, now re-released or being re-released as self-published editions through Amazon. The Mistletoe Fever was an Amazon bestseller for two weeks in the category of Kindle Short Reads. Her six book small town, Brookhollow series is published through Harlequin Heartwarming and she has a new MMA sports romance series releasing through Berkley/NAL Intermix in 2015. RT Reviews has given each of her Brookhollow series books 4 stars.

She also hosts an annual SnowGlobe Award contest in recognition of holiday themed romance stories, with over forty entries each year, with participants ranging from new authors to NYT Bestselling authors, such as Brenda Novak and Sarah Morgan.

More information about the contest can be found at

She is active on her website, Facebook, Twitter, and various blog sites and has a monthly author newsletter.

More information can be found at

Q & A with Jennifer Snow

1. Tell us a little bit about your main characters.
Walker Adams comes from a wealthy family and he is expected to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a lawyer. The problem is that he wants to be an MMA fighter. When his father cuts him off financially, he learns just how much fighting means to him and how hard he will need to work to succeed.

Gracie Andrews had a tougher upbringing and her family struggled financially, therefore Gracie is determined to make a success of her own life and never be in that situation again. She’s always loved Walker, her best friend’s older brother and when he needs to crash on her sofa for a few weeks, old, repressed emotions rise to the surface, making her question what she wants most.

2. Describe your ideal writing spot. 

I write full-time so from Monday to Friday, I write in my home office, which has my series planning pegboard on the wall and my inspiration photos and artwork and all of my award certificates for motivation. But on weekends, my husband and I go on working dates to our favorite pub with our laptops. He works on work presentations and I write.

Of course, I’d love to be able writing on a beach in Maui or poolside in Las Vegas, but unfortunately that doesn’t happen often lol.

3. What is the best advice you have been given?

“Get a map of New York”-My agent, Stephany Evans of FinePrint Literary Management. Lol-I was writing a series set in New Jersey and the characters travelled to and from New York, and my geography was terrible! Being from New York, Steph was able to help, but her advice to ‘Get a Map’ while editing that first book in the Brookhollow series was probably the first time I realized how important research was lol.

4. How do you keep busy when you're not writing?
I workout and run everyday. My husband and I have side by side treadmills and we like to watch American Ninja Warrior while we run. And we have a five year old, so a lot of time is spent doing family stuff. J

5. Which do you prefer: hard/paperbacks or ebooks?
I think ebooks are really convenient and cheaper than paperbacks, but I have a very long love affair with paperbacks, especially second hand ones, so they will always be my favorite.

6. What book are you reading now?
I just finished reading Sweet Girl by Rachel Hollis and now I am stockpiling paperbacks to read on the plane ride to RWA Nationals in JulyJ

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