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Forged in Fire by Juliette Cross: Interview + Giveaway

Forged in Fire
The Vessel Trilogy #1
by Juliette Cross 

Genre: Urban Fantasy/Paranormal Romance 
Publisher: Samhain Publishing, Ltd 
Number of pages: 318 pages 
Cover Artist: Kanaxa 

She never knew this demon world existed. Now she just wants to survive it.

Genevieve Drake never needed a man to come to her rescue. Not until the night of her twentieth birthday, when some dude nearly chokes her to death in an alley behind a New Orleans Goth club. And a hot stranger splits the guy in half, rips a monster from inside, and incinerates it into ash.

The hunky rescuer? Jude Delacroix—Dominus Daemonum, Master of Demons, now her guardian, whether she likes it or not. But she’s seriously beginning to like it.

Her would-be murderer turns out to be only the first of many minions of the demon prince, Danté, who has all kinds of lascivious and sadistic plans. Which means when the formidably beautiful Jude offers his protection, Genevieve has no problem accepting it.

For Jude and his fellow demon hunters tell her she is a Vessel, one who is born to serve the Light, but can be corrupted into a weapon of darkness. And to survive, she must trust a man whose unearthly eyes promise heaven…but whose powers unleash hell.

Warning: Contains a dark and brooding demon hunter who harbors even darker secrets, a snarky heroine who’s being hunted by every demon in the underworld, and a sadistic demon prince with a fancy for violent sexual encounters.

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Juliette calls lush, moss-laden Louisiana home where the landscape curls into her imagination, creating mystical settings for her stories. She has a B.A. in creative writing from Louisiana State University, a M.Ed. in gifted education, and was privileged to study under the award-winning author Ernest J. Gaines in grad school. Her love of mythology, legends, and art serve as constant inspiration for her works. From the moment she read JANE EYRE as a teenager, she fell in love with the Gothic romance--brooding characters, mysterious settings, persevering heroines, and dark, sexy heroes. Even then, she not only longed to read more novels set in Gothic worlds, she wanted to create her own.

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Q & A with Author Juliette Cross
Q:  Tell us a little bit about your main characters.
Genevieve Drake is very sure of herself and her place in the world. She was raised by a doting father, and rather than become a pampered prima donna, she takes the alternate route in becoming fiercely independent and tomboyish in her ways. Her downfall is that she sees the world only one way—her own. When the façade comes crashing down the day she realizes not only are their demons living amongst them, but some want to kill her, she’s knocked off her perfect pedestal and struggles to recapture her equilibrium.

Master of Demons, Jude Delacroix, helps her understand her new place, but he also becomes a tempting and dangerous distraction. As her protector, he demands obedience in order to keep her safe, and he’s not happy when she decides to traipse about without telling him, like when she decides to go on a date. Let’s just say Jude doesn’t play well with others. And he suffers no fools.

Q:  Describe your ideal writing spot.
That would be my comfy chair in the den (where I’m currently hunkered down). My other escape-to-write spot happens to be my daughter’s bedroom, curled up in her bed with my laptop. For some reason, it’s one of the quietest spots in the house. I suppose since she has three brothers, none of them seem to be traipsing in and out. And my boys can always find me everywhere else. (Yes, I know it’s sad, but I have to hide from them to get anything accomplished.)

Q:  Who designed the covers for your book and what was that process like for you as the author?
Oh, wow. Kanaxa designed all three of the covers for the Vessel Trilogy, and she is crazy talented. A benefit of publishing with Samhain is that they allow their authors a good deal of input in their covers. Not all publishers are open to showing authors mock-ups and letting them make suggestions to get the final cover to their liking. Kanaxa was the perfect artist for these books. She just understood my vision and made it happen in a kick-ass way.

Q:  What is the best advice you have been given?
Never give up. (And that’s good advice for every aspect of life.)

Q:  If you could have any superhuman ability, what would you choose and why?
Hmmm, I suppose it would be flight. To soar in the sky with great powerful wings and see the world from above—it seems so magical. I suppose that’s why I created the dragon hybrids of the Morgon world in the Nightwing series. Writers get to live out their own fantasies sometimes in the worlds they create.

Q:  What book are you reading now?
I just finished A Touch of Midnight by Lara Adrian. I’ve had to shorten my reading time lately in order to meet my deadline for book three in the Vessel Trilogy. So I’ve been picking up novellas. I adore Adrian’s Midnight Breed series.

Thank you, Shut up & Read, for having me today! Awesome to be here. 

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