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Drain Me by Lana Sky: Interview + Giveaway


Drain Me
Ellie Gray Chronicles # 1
by Lana Sky

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Number of pages: 550
Cover Artist: Imogenary Designs

When diagnosed with a fatal illness at the age of twenty six, Eleanor Gray is resigned to her fate—at least until the enigmatic Dublin Helos appears and makes her an offer she knows she should refuse:

Life or Death?

With a decision as harmless as checking the wrong box on a mysterious questionnaire, Ellie is plunged into a dangerous world where souls are sold to the highest bidder and pleasure is fueled by pain.

The rules of this new life are simple: submit everything—mind, body and soul. But the further Ellie falls under Dublin’s control, the more she comes to realize that it’s not just her sanity at stake, but her heart and a whole lot of blood too.

Find Drain Me on Goodreads

Available at Amazon

About the Author: 
Lana Sky is a reclusive writer in the United States who spends most of her time daydreaming about complex male characters and legless cats. She writes mostly paranormal romance, in between watching reruns of Ab Fab and drinking iced tea. Only iced tea.


Q & A with Lana Sky

Q:  Tell us a little bit about your main characters.
Dublin is a vampire and Ellie is the stubborn, annoying human who unknowingly thwarts him at every turn. Together they make for an interesting pair.

Q:  Describe your ideal writing spot.
  My bed! I tend to write primarily in my bed, curled up in an awkward position with my laptop balanced on my chest. Don’t ask how I manage that.

Q:  Who designed the covers for your book and what was that process like for you as the author?
My cover was designed by the lovely Imogen Isles at Imogenary Designs. It was a blast! I feel like she really captured the essence of Drain Me in a simple, but breathtaking design. The process was rather simple. I drove her crazy with a million ideas and examples, and she used her design expertise to create something incredible.

Q:  What is the best advice you have been given?
  The best advice I’ve been given as an author is to take every opinion with a grain of salt—good or bad. Not everyone will enjoy every story and that’s okay. As long as your words resonate with one person, then you’ve done your job as an author. 
Q:  How do you keep busy when you're not writing?
I work as a nurse and I…sleep. Work and sleep are pretty much the only things I do, besides writing! I’m always writing, or plotting or dreaming up new characters. I can’t help myself.

Q:  Which do you prefer: hard/paperbacks or ebooks?
I’ve recently forged and unhealthy relationship with my Kindle, but nothing beats the feel—and the smell!—of a brand new paperback.

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  1. Thanks for sharing and including the cover design in your interview. I am a 'cover girl' and always curious about who designs covers I like and I like yours. Simple, yet eye catching. Great job and good luck on the tour.

    sherry @ fundinmental


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