Title: The Seven Keys of Alaesha Author: Samantha Warren Genre: YA Fantasy Page Count: 204 Published: October 2012 Available From: Amazon Edith Myers has just about had enough. Her first day at a new school and she already has an enemy – Dana Blake, head cheerleader, tormenter, typical prom queen. But when Edith discovers a strange key, she finds herself embroiled in an inter-dimensional war. She and Dana must find a way to work together, or it could spell the end of the other world, and theirs. Add the Seven Keys of Alaesha to your Goodreads shelf! ---------- Q & A with Samantah Warren Q: When did you first know you wanted to be a writer? A: Unlike most people I've talked to, I didn't really like English in high school. I ended up majoring in it in college because it was easy and I was good at it. I didn't start really writing until 2009. Q: Tell us a little about your leads, E...
She reads books as one would breathe air, to fill up and live. -Annie Dillard