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Author Interview - Karina Kantas

This week we had the opportunity to interview author Karina Kantas

Karina's newest book, Huntress, is now available on Amazon.

After learning a notorious motorcycle club was responsible for the murder of her uncle and the death threat given to her parents, Sofi vows revenge. Using her journalist skills, she makes the mistake of infiltrating the gang.

Watch for Karina's book, Lawless Justice, in Read It & Reap:

Cass has left an abusive relationship. Vowing no one will hurt her again, she returns to her home town, Northampton, in the hope of mending the relationship with her family, but she soon gets drawn into deadly situation.

Cass has to decide quickly, does she remain invisible or is it time to stand out?

Enter the Kittnz.

Six sexy but tough women that serve the public by dealing out justice the Kittnz way... for a price.

Dangerous women you would love to hate.

When did you write your first book and how old were you?
I think I was about eighteen when I thought my first manuscript was finished. I didn’t try to get anything published until I moved to Greece though. 

Do you have a favorite character? Which character did you have the most fun writing?
My favourite character is Ice from the thriller Lawless Justice. We’re very similar in many ways and I can understand her struggles. I love that she leads an exciting double life as a vigilante and yet finds it hard to balance her family ties and the Kitnnz duties. Can you imagine what it must feel like to be able to hit out without fear of repercussions? 

What is your work schedule like when you’re writing?
I’ve been so busy promoting my latest thriller, Huntress that I haven’t picked up a pen for quite a while. But once I’m back in the “zone” I will continue with Broken Chains, my MI5 thriller. I’ll start by reading through the MS and try to connect with the characters and plot. Once I do, I can then start work. I won’t give myself a set number of words per day, I don’t have a deadline. I write when I’m ready to write. There’s no way I will force myself. I know it would be a waste of my time.

Are experiences in the book Lawless Justice based on someone you know, or events in your own life?
Yes, some scenes are from my own experiences, actual emotions I felt and I suppose a few of the smaller characters are based on people I’ve come across. Names have been changed to protect the (not) so innocent.

Do you suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do to get over it? 
It’s not just about the block; it’s having the time and being able to put the effort in. No matter what other may say, writing is difficult and it takes a lot out of you, more emotional than physical. When I am stuck I asked my Facebook fans to give me three random words, then I make write a flash fiction using the most interesting group. It’s usually enough to get the juices flowing.

Is there someone in your life that inspired you to write? Was there another author or teacher that encouraged you?
Quite the opposite, my English teacher said I suffered from dyslexia and that I’d never become an author. I was inspired to prove here wrong. 

There was a time when I was ready to give it all up. But then I read Stephen King’s Book on Writing and I was amazed at how similar our background and writing beginnings were and it made me realize that if he could do it, why couldn’t I?

What do you do to unwind and relax?
I used to sing in a rock band. I love singing as much as writing; they both give me a release. So when I want to relax, I either plug in my microphone at home or hubby takes me out to a karaoke, yes, even in a small Greek village I can find a karaoke. I also love to unwind with a good book.

What book are you reading now?
I go through a lot of books. Thirty so far this year (I blame it on the Kindle) *laughs*

At this time, I’m just finishing the Mockingjay, the third and final book of The Hunger Games series. It’s such an emotional read, certainly top of my 2012 list.

Can you share a little of your current work with us?
Road Rage is an urban thriller about a sponsored superbike racing team and their illegal activities. The manuscript is complete and has been professionally edited. I am currently submitting Road Rage to Literary agents.

If you could do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?
Well as Huntress is traditionally published and has just been released, I think it’s perfect as it is. *winks*

What tools do you feel are must haves for writers?
In this day and age a computer and internet connection is important. Although we used to be able to get by with just pen and paper. I remember when I was working on my first book In Times of Violence, banging on my brother manual typewriter. *smiles*

You can find Karina and more about her books at any of these places:
Fan Page:
Website for excerpts, reviews and links:
Website for everything urban:

Billy has been a target of bulling throughout her schooling. Exams are over but the stress she's feeling leads her to thoughts of suicide. It's her counselor that suggests she volunteers to assist in an archaeological dig in Scotland.

A secluded hostel. The residents start dropping like flies.

Billy knows who the murderer is.

Shane knows he's next to die.

Heads & Tales is a collection of 28 short stories that will delight, fright and leave you questioning your sanity.
Diverse collection of flash and short fiction. Includes the award winning horror story Crossed.

Thought provoking storytelling at its best.

Genres include horror, comedy, romance, thriller, science fiction, historical romance and prose.

Jade, a sheltered teenager, gets caught up in the violence and frightening experiences after becoming a member of a notorious bikers' gang.


  1. Will be watching for Lawless Justice and will check out Huntress. love the cover art. Both books sound great. can't wait to read them. Enjoyed the interview Karina. I think I am the only person on the planet that hasn't read any of the Hunger Games series! Everyone is probably at the movies:)
    laura thomas

  2. Lawless Justice sounds REALLY good!

  3. I'm sure your teacher regrets her words and you've proven yourself not just a writer, but an author.

  4. Thank you for your comments everyone!

    Karina has been reading them but is having trouble leaving comments on our blog with WordPress. She says thank you for your comments and also to Stephen that she would love to send a copy to her old English teacher (which I think is a great idea!)


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