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Dissident by Cecilia London

Bellator Saga #1
by Cecilia London 

What would you do for love of country?

In a new America where almost no one can be trusted, Caroline Gerard lies unconscious in a government hospital as others decide her fate. She is a political dissident, wanted for questioning by a brutal regime that has come to power. As she recovers from her injuries, all she has are her memories of a rich and beautiful past.

What does it take to heal a broken heart?

As Caroline clings to life her thoughts drift to before the regime, when she was a rising star in the House of Representatives, widowed, and raising two precocious children. She remembers her unexpected attraction to fellow politician playboy Jack McIntyre. Jack captures her attention with his rakish grin, disarming attitude, and dry wit, and soon their friendship blossoms into much more.

Who can you trust?

Under the new political system, Caroline doesn't know what to believe, even her own vivid memories. Is the life she led real, or just a mirage? And is Jack truly the one to help her move on? Or are they just pawns in a political power play?

The Bellator Saga is a six part series. Each full length novel ends in a cliffhanger. For readers 18+. This saga contains adult situations, including non-gratuitous violence, explicit (consensual) sex, psychological and physical trauma, and an oftentimes dark plot. 

Paperback, 1st Edition, 268 pages
Published March 17th 2015 by Principatum Publishing

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Read It & Reap:  November 10, 2015  

About the Author
Cecilia is my pen name. I may or may not live in San Antonio, Texas. I've been known to apply quotes from 'The Simpsons' to everyday life. I live for baseball season.

Q & A with Cecilia London

Q:  Tell us a little bit about your main characters.
My heroine, Caroline, is a bit quirky. Highly intelligent, a little irreverent…when we first meet her in Dissident we discover that she’s had a rough year. Recently widowed, she’s made some poor decisions while on the campaign trail, including making some none too charitable comments about our hero, Jack. But she makes amends, and demonstrates rather quickly that she’s likable, sympathetic, and compelling. A series like this depends on a captivating heroine or it will fail. And in Conscience, she demonstrates overwhelming strength and resolve in almost unbearable circumstances. She really carries the second book, though we’re still treated to plenty of Jack.

Jack breaks a lot of molds. When we first meet him in Dissident, he isn’t terribly likable. But he continues to evolve over the course of the series, largely because of his relationship with Caroline. He is not a perfect man, and he and Caroline have to take time to learn to communicate and form a partnership. But that’s the beautiful part of the evolution of their relationship over the course of the first two books, seeing how they come together to support and love one another no matter the circumstances. He is sexy, kind, and loving, but can also be a pure, delicious, devoted alpha male (without going over the top). I love Jack.

And their relationship with each other is…well…you’ll have to read to find out! The first book is pretty much contemporary romance blended with suspense, political fiction, and speculative/dystopian fiction, but later installments come closer to erotic romance. And Jack and Caroline are always there, bound to each other.

Q:  Who designs the covers for your books and what is that process like for you as an author?
I design my own covers. I suppose that could change down the road, but I dig them so far. I have different covers for ebook and print, demonstrating both the romantic and darker elements in the books.

Q:  Describe your ideal writing spot.
Right now it’s a tossup between the recliner in our living room (where my laptop is located) and our home office (where my brain is usually located). LOL!

Q:  What is the best advice you have been given?
Just keep swimming.

Q:  As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a lawyer, and I also wanted to be an author. Technically, I’ve now done both, which is kind of cool.

Q:  Which do you prefer: hard/paperbacks or ebooks?
It depends. When I want something very quickly, I reach for my Kindle. But if it’s a book or series I adore, I need hard copies.

Q:  If you could be any paranormal creature, what would you choose to be and why?
A Pegasus. I’d better be sentient, though! Flying at my leisure would be wonderful.

Q:  What book are you reading now?
Well, if this is posted during the beginning of November, I’m definitely reading The Queen, the last installment in Tiffany Reisz’s phenomenal Original Sinners series. Otherwise I’m probably reading and editing my December release. 


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