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Girl Code: An Anthology: Interview + Giveaway

Girl Code
Anthology of 4 stories: HOPE, LIVE, FAITH, and PERSISTENCE
by Jessica Jayne, Lea Brosen, Cait Jarrod, and DC Stone

Genre: erotic romance, contemporary romance, romantic suspense

Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

Four best friends struggle with decisions that affect their lives, their hearts, and their futures. As sisters, they embrace the Girl Code.

Jessica Jayne
Josephine "Joey" Lockhart escapes her past, herself and her home town of Pearl, Ohio to Florida after high school. Years later, she meets a man that refuses to let her hide behind her camera lens and encourages her out of her shell. Will he be the one to push her to feel for the first time?

 LIVE – Lea Brosen
After seven years in drug hell, detoxing Juliette "Juls" Carrington returns to her hometown Pearl to attend her grandmother's burial. Once more rejected by her family, she has a swim in a pond nearby when a mysterious camper, an ex-drunk, coaxes her to come to his hut in the woods. Together they must fight their inner demons for a chance to love...and live.

FAITH – Cait Jarrod
Selena Bodine escaped into the United States Air Force to leave behind a painful past and the one man who she refused to let herself love. Years later, an urgent call from her father brings her back to Pearl, Ohio and face to face with the man she still loves. But will the secret that Cullen is investigating her threaten their second chance?


Laydi Michaels has been running away from her past and bad memories for years. Finding herself wasn’t an easy task, but she’s managed to finally get to a point to where she wants to be. Only to wake up married to her boss….who fired her the night before. Wrapped in a case that puts her life in danger, and dealing with a grave situation back home in Pearl, Laydi figures out she wasn’t close to finding herself, and now, she’s risked everything.

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All proceeds from sales are being donated to The Wounded Warrior Project

Jessica is a born and raised small town Ohio girl, who moved to the Sunshine State after graduating from college. She graduated with a bachelor's degree in English because she could not imagine doing anything else but reading and writing.

In the journey of life, she obtained her law degree (and bar license) and also became a wife and a mother of three children. So, life is always an adventure.

Twitter: @JessicaJayne13

About Lea Brosen
Lea Bronsen likes her reads fast, hot, and edgy, and strives to give her own stories the same intensity. After venturing into dirty inner-city crime drama with her debut novel Wild Hearted, she divides her writing time between psychological thriller, romantic suspense, and erotic contemporary romance.

About Cait Jarrod

From writing ‘every girl’s dream heroes’ to ‘strong, down-to-earth heroines,’ Cait Jarrod twists ‘cliff hanging plots’ and ‘clever, unpredictable sub-plots’. She loves diving into a good book as much as she loves writing one. Mother of three gorgeous daughters, she’s married to her best friend, hangs out with a great group of women—the WWC, and loves a good glass of wine.

About DC Stone

DC Stone has over sixteen years of investigative experience, including working as a criminal investigator in the United States military anda private investigator. Currently, she works as an internal affairs investigator by day and a romantic suspense author by night. She has herMaster’s degree in Criminal Justice and is dubbed, “The Investigative Whisper.” Commonly called upon to act as an expert witness, she also trains with local, state, and federal law enforcement officers. She provides numerous workshops that help authors gain insight into “digging” into a character’s mind to better understand motives, create suspense, and help maintain conflict.

When she isn’t trying to solve a new puzzle in the world of fraud, she is engulfed with coffee, her laptop, and all those crazy characters in her head. She is a member of the Romance Writers of America, Hudson Valley Romance Writers, RomVets, RWA Kiss of Death, and the Liberty State Fiction Writers. She served as the 2014 Vice President and Conference Chair for NJRW. Find her on Facebook, Twitter, or her at

Q & A with Jessica Jayne

I just wanted to say a big thank you to Sheri for hosting me today. Girl Code is a very special project that I did with three very special friends. The collaboration between DC Stone, Lea Bronsen and Cait Jarrod was such an incredible part of this journey and I’m so very proud of this project as a whole. Aside from that, all proceeds are being donated to the Wounded Warrior Project.

1.  Tell us a little bit about your main characters.
Josephine “Joey” Lockhart and Talon Manness are the two main characters of my story HOPE in the Girl Code anthology. Joey is a somewhat reserved individual, who grew up with an alcoholic father and an enabling mother. As an only child, life was a bit lonely until she met Laydi (from PERSISTANCE) and the rest of the “sisters” – Juls (from LIVE) and Selena (from FAITH). The four girls quickly became best friends and supported each other through multiple ups and downs. Their friendship is really Joey’s foundation in life. After high school, Joey decided to make her photography hobby into a career and headed to Florida, which is where she meets the troubled, yet extremely loyal and sexy Talon.

Talon also grew up with an alcoholic father, who was physically abusive to anyone that stood in his path during a drunken outrage. He learned to fight at an early age in order to stand his ground with his father and older brother. Talon had defended his mother from his father’s actions and afterward, his father takes off, wrapping his car around a tree. Talon carries a lot of guilt from this and believes himself to be unlovable. But then he crosses paths with Joey, who becomes his best friend and so much more.

2. Describe your ideal writing spot.
Any place where there is quiet. As you will note from answer to question 5, I don’t get a lot of quiet time.

3. Who designed the covers for your book and what was that process like for you as the author?
The amazingly talented Jay Aheer designed our book cover. We each supplied her with some photos of what we wanted the sisters to look like as we wanted all four girls on the cover. Since the girls hung out at a pond in Ohio, we also requested that be on the cover too. Jay took our ideas and ran with them, producing one of the most beautiful covers I’ve ever had on a book.

4. What is the best advice you have been given?

Keep writing. It is easy to get frustrated in an industry where rejection can be common. Keep writing. That’s the only way to get better. It’s the only way to get over writer’s block. It’s the only way to ever succeed as an author.

5. How do you keep busy when you're not writing?
Hahahahahaha! Sorry, but this made me giggle. The better question would be how do you find time to write. I work a full time job as an attorney for a corporation. I’m a wife. I’m a mother to three children—8 ½ year old boy/girl twins (they require me to say the half) and an almost 7 year old little girl. Between work, soccer practices, cheerleading practices, homework, school projects, volunteering at the school, laundry, visiting family, and hanging with friends, I’m lucky if I get to bed at a reasonable hour. I’m always busy, which is why I really enjoy vacations.

6. If you could have any superhuman ability, what would you choose and why?
Hmmm. I only get to choose one? I’d probably have to say fly. I’ve gone skydiving seven times in my life and that’s closest I’ve ever been to flying. It’s exhilarating. I guess it would help if I had a little super human strength to go along with that, so I could stop crime and the bad guys. But flying would be so cool.

7. Which do you prefer: hard/paperbacks or ebooks?
I flip between the two. You will be hard-pressed to find me without my e-reader or a book in hand. There are times I love the e-reader. I can read at night without totally disturbing my husband with the nightstand light. Sometimes I travel for work and it’s just easier to slip the e-reader in my purse for the plane ride. But there really is nothing like an actual book. The feel, the smell, the weight—it adds to the experience!

8. What book are you reading now?
I am currently on book three of the Outlander series – Voyager- by Diana Gabaldon. LOVE IT.

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