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Jaguar Pride by Terry Spear

Jaguar Pride (Heart of the Jaguar, #4)Jaguar Pride by Terry Spear
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received this from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Melissa Overton and Huntley Anderson are both jaguar shifters and operatives for JAG Special Forces who are on a mission to catch poachers in the rain forest of Costa Rica. They capture two poachers, but the ring leader was able to escape. How did they allow him to slip through their fingers? Will he be too elusive to catch? Melissa and Huntley are on his trail again when they are able to save shifter cubs, but the poachers get away with the parents of the cubs. Can they rescue the parents before it is too late? This mission has been more than they bargained for...they are special agents, not baby wranglers. Close quarters, two cute cubs, and two agents with their hands full can lead to some sticky situations. Will mutual respect and attraction blossom into something other than a romp in the rain forest for Melissa and Huntley?

Melissa and Huntley make a good team. They both know when to let the other take the lead on the mission. The chemistry is sizzling between them with plenty of hot love scenes. Jaguar Pride is one fun, action-packed, steamy paranormal read that I have come to expect from Terry Spear. I enjoyed this journey into the rain forest with all its exotic animals, and I look forward to the next adventure.

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                                                                        About the Author:

Love, love, love romance, the paranormal, hunky Highlanders with their delicious brogue and hot kilts, so Terry Spear writes about those hunky Highlanders both in medieval times and as wolves in contemporary times. Jaguar shifters too! And young adult urban fantasy. And romantic suspense.

She grew up reading mystery, adventure, mythologies from around the world, ghost stories, the paranormal, fell in love with Dracula and Wolfman, and felt they needed loving too. Everyone should have someone to love. Which means her stories always have a HEA.

USA Today Bestseller residing in Central Texas from Sacramento, California who creates award-winning teddy bears too!



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