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Q & A with Author Kerr-Ann Dempster

Beneath Scarlett Valley
Scarlett Valley #1
by Kerr-Ann Dempster

Cassidy Daniels has had enough.
She hates being a Furor. First, there is the hellish rage that storms through her veins, then there is the gnawing guilt and the nightmare. All she wants is the escape that Death promises. Unfortunately, her sister wants Immortality and she needs Cassidy's help to get it. When they arrive in Scarlett Valley to find the Source of Immortality, Cassidy's heart and head become tangled up with the locals. But there are pretenders everywhere, with dark pasts and even darker plans.
Paperback, 300 pages
Published August 4th 2014 by Ink City Books

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Read It & Read Date:  March 29, 2015

Kerr-Ann Dempster was born in Jamaica, where she spent her adolescence writing and performing plays. After moving to the United States, she earned her bachelor's degree in Marketing from Loyola University, Chicago. She then worked as a Flight Attendant, and a Visual Operations Leader. She now resides in Chicago, IL and Traverse City, MI.

                                 Q & A with Kerr-Ann Dempster

Q:  Tell us a little bit about your main character.
My main character, Cassidy, is a Half-Furor. Furors are volatile creatures, pushed to kill by the fiery rage in their veins. Cass hates being a Furor. She battles with guilt,loneliness, and a terrible case of depression. Many of her emotional wounds are self-inflicted because she denies herself friendship, love, and forgiveness. She is also a bit of a push-over and a coward.

But throughout the novel, readers get to witness Cassidy's awakening. She becomes a whole new creature because she learns to love, chooses to forgive, and grows a spine.

Q:  In your opinion, what makes a good, strong female character?



I hate perfection. Humans are deeply flawed, but these imperfections make us beautiful. Plus, they toughen us up for life’s many battles. Writing strong females with relatable flaws and experiences allow readers to bond with characters and be inspired by their strength. I am bothered by those who believe the physical display of strength is the only one that matters. Strength comes in many forms. In BSV for instance, Cassidy is supernaturally strong, but it is her emotional strength that is reshaped and honed throughout the book. While many don’t realize it, love requires strength. So does forgiveness and being happy.

Q:  Who designs the covers for your books and what is that process like for you as an author?
Damonza designed the cover for Beneath Scarlett Valley. I had stalked his website for two years, so I knew he was the right designer. He did not disappoint. The process was interesting. I had no idea what I wanted, but I had a long list of things I did not want. His team made it easy by asking a ton of questions about the book, keeping in touch, and most of all, listening. In then end, Damonza delivered a cover that captured the themes and mood perfectly.

Q:  Describe your ideal writing spot.
To write well, I need silence. It doesn’t matter where I’m sitting/standing, give me a noise canceling headphone, something to write on, and I will write.

Q:  What is the best advice you have been given?
It can be fixed.

Q:  Which do you prefer: hard/paperbacks or ebooks?
I prefer paperbacks. I purchase many ebooks, but only the amazing ones end up on my bookshelf.

Q:  If you could have any superpower, what would you choose and why?
Flight. It has been a long, cold winter. I would love the ability to fly off to Jamaica for a week without paying those pesky airline fees or listening to my seat-mate drone on about his cool new gadget.

Q:  What book are you reading now?
I just finished The Cleansing by Danielle Tara Evans


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