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The Iron Traitor by Julie Kagawa

The Iron Traitor (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten, #2)The Iron Traitor by Julie Kagawa
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After reading The Lost Prince I was so super excited happy to get an ARC of this book. I love Ethan so much. I love being inside his head, even as dark and brooding as it is. His story is quite enjoyable – full of action, romance, friendship, and heartbreak. Unfortunately, now that I've read this one, I have to wait months for the next one…which sucks considering the way the book ended. I seriously sat staring at my Kindle thinking, what the hell? That did not just happen and that is not the end of the end…there has to be one more chapter, right? Right? Deep breaths here.

So about the story, we get more of Ethan, Kenzie, Kerrian, and Annwyl. Ethan, of course, cannot seem to stay out of trouble, and Kenzie refuses to stay out of trouble. I love them together. Kenzie is not going to let Ethan push her out of his life – no matter what the cost. She's really good for him.

Kerrian…I'm not even sure what to say about him right now. Up until the last chapter I was really loving him and feeling sorry for him. He tries so hard, but everything he does ends up hurting more people. All he wants is to save the girl he loves (I cannot stand by and watch you Fade from existence), but apparently he is no Ash, and he makes many, many bad decisions. After the last chapter, I think I hate him a little bit, or maybe a lot. I really, really want to feel sorry for him still and understand what he did, but I just can't find it in me. All I can say is he had BETTER redeem himself in the next (and last) book in this series. That all being said, this book brought out a lot of emotion, mostly centered around Kerrian.

"You can't save everyone," he said in a gentle voice. "Sometimes, you have to make the decision to let them go."

I love the comparisons between Ethan's situation with Kenzie and Kerrian's situation with Annwyl. The difference is in the way they face that situation. Ethan takes to heart Guro's advice while Kerrian will do anything to prove him wrong. I'm so looking forward to seeing where this story goes. Deep breaths until then.

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