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Q & A with Amanda J. Evans

Save Her Soul
by Amanda J. Evans 

Can Evil Survive When Love Exists?

Almost a year after the brutal murder of her sister, Kate’s world is anything but ordinary. Consumed by the rage in her soul there's nothing she won't do to get her revenge.

Drake’s no ordinary guy. Dead for nearly 500 years, he’s been tasked with saving Kate’s soul but he has a mission of his own: to ensure she gets what she wants so that he can take her soul to hell. He’ll stop at nothing to see her succeed, but their fates are tied and love may stand in his way.

As secrets are revealed, can one cursed soul end it all? Is love strong enough to overcome evil and break the curse that binds them both?

Paperback, 295 pages
Published July 15th 2017 

Find it on Goodreads
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Read It & Reap:  November 30, 2017

Amanda J. Evans writes paranormal and fantasy novels as well as children’s stories. Amanda lives in Oldcastle, Co. Meath, Ireland with her husband and two children. She was published in several journals and anthologies in 2016. Her first novel Finding Forever was published in 2017 and her forthcoming title Save Her Soul will be released on the 1st August 2017. Amanda has also secured a publishing deal with Handersen Publishing for a children’s book and this will be released in the fall, 2017. Amanda is the author of Surviving Suicide: A Memoir from Those Death Left Behind, published in 2012. You can find out more on her website. 

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                       Q & A with Amanda J. Evans

Tell us a little bit about your main characters. 
My main characters in Save Her Soul are Kate and Drake. Kate is a very strong character and grieving deeply after her younger sister is murdered. She knows who did it and her need for revenge is what drives her. She has a plan, she’s been training her body to fight, and she is hell-bent on seeing the man responsible for her sisters take his last breath at her hands. There is nothing that will stand in her way. She has closed herself off to everything and lives only to take her revenge. 

Drake has been dead for 500 years and is taken with saving the soul of Isteria. Isteria was cursed with evil and in a bid to save her, the guardians cast a spell that had her reincarnating over and over again until they could find a way to break the curse. Isteria has now reincarnated as Kate and Drake’s mission is to save her and prevent Kate from killing and unleashing the evil that is trapped inside her. Drake is a tortured character and as we go through the book secrets are revealed and he struggles to come to terms with what he learns. 

Who designs the covers for your books and what is that process like for you as an author?
My cover for this book was designed by Krys at TakeCover Designs. It was actually a pre-made that I fell in love with because of the red glow around the female. I got in touch with her and she agreed to add a male character to the cover and I had the perfect cover for my book. 

Describe your ideal writing spot.
I handwrite everything first so my ideal spot would be sitting on a beach with the sun beaming down. Most of the time though, I write in my office. I do take my notebook with me to hairdressing appointments and in the car if I have to pick my children up from school so I can get some writing done while I wait. 

What is the best advice you have been given?
To just go for it. I’ve always wanted to be a writer but lack of confidence and fear got in the way. Last year a friend told me to just go for it and I did. It’s been a whirlwind ever since and I’ve loved every moment of it. 

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
As a child, my dream was to be a famous author. I wrote my first book when I was eight and even sent it off to Penguin. I also received a rejection letter. I used to write new episodes for all my favourite TV shows. Life changed when I hit my teenage years and my father took his own life. After that, I wrote to express the emotions that I couldn’t deal with so it was mainly poetry and short morbid pieces. 

Which do you prefer: hard/paperbacks or ebooks?
I love paperbacks. I just love looking at them, filling bookcases with them. In saying that, most of my reading is done on my Kindle. I love that I can adjust the size of the writing and fit so many books into one tiny device. I love both really.

If you could have any supernatural power, what would you choose and why?
Oh gosh, I really have to think about this one. I was going to say flying so I could go wherever I want, whenever I want, but I think I’d prefer to be a sorcerer with real magic powers so I could create anything I want and cast spells for everything. 

What book are you reading now?
I’m currently reading The Girl in Between series by Laekan Sea Kemp. I’m just finished book 2 of the 4 books and they are amazing. The author’s writing is excellent and it’s a storyline I haven’t read before. 


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