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Q & A with India R. Adams

Forever #1
by India R. Adams

To say I know where this story begins is to say I  remember what lifetime started it all…and why. What I do know is this lifetime is hard and cruel…maybe like the rest. That is until I meet him–the light that shines and guides me. To where, I don’t know, but my soul chooses to follow regardless. I believe my soul has done this before. I believe I will follow him…forever.

"The toll on my spirit had slowly broken me down—day by day, night by night, drink by drink, hit by hit—to the limp, fragile, lost girl that Dereck Hamilton . . . carried away."

A destructive home life silently destroys Serenity, a 16-year-old girl, until her broken spirit is given a gift in the form of an old journal that sends her a visitor in the night. The cloaked woman teaches Serenity that the lingering feeling of missing a part of her soul may not be a figment of her imagination, and with these words, Serenity’s journey, of this lifetime, begins.

"Away from the sun I close my eyes
and release myself into the unknown
I hope she is there
I hope she is there…" 

Kindle Edition, 340 pages
Published July 26th 2016

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Read It & Reap:  November 14, 2017

India R. Adams is an author/singer/songwriter who has written YA and NA novels, and the music for the Forever series.

Being a survivor of abuse, has inspired India to let others know they have nothing to be ashamed of. She put her many years of professional theater background to the test and has written fictional stories with a shadow of her personal experiences. She says, “I’m simply finding ways to empower perfect imperfections.”

Another cause India feels needs change, is Sexual Slavery. She has joined forces with jewelers to design beautiful ways to raise money for non-profit organizations.

Even though India writes about serious subjects such as domestic violence, sexual abuse, and Human Trafficking, she has a magnificent sense of humor, as do the characters she creates. Perfectly balanced between laughter and tears, her readers see how to empower their own perfect imperfections.

                                                            Connect with India

Q & A with India R. Adams 

Tell us a little bit about your main characters. 
In the first novel of the Forever series, we have Serenity—a more reserved seventeen-year-old (because of the abuse she endures) who is gifted with reading light around one’s body.

Skyler, Serenity’s best friend, is tiny but mighty with lots of fight in her. She is a fav in reader’s heart and mine.

We have Joshua Dukes who seems overbearing at first but truly means well taking care of his Shorties—Serenity and Sky.

There is Dereck Hamilton, Serenity’s love interest and SO MUCH MORE. Just a fabulous young man.

Rocco, the smartass Italian football player who will steal your heart (as he does Sky’s).

And Jolene, the mother hen of the group who watches over them ever so carefully, putting her own needs last, always. I respect her highly.

Who designs the covers for your books and what is that process like for you as an author? 
So far, I only use Procovers but the owner is no longer accepting new clients. Just too busy now. The process with designing a cover has been different for me. With the Forever series, 6 books in total, I knew what I wanted and how they will become the final cover in the 6th cover. There are hints to what is happening within the series in each of the covers. The colors have meanings too. I’m excited for the final cover!

Describe your ideal writing spot. 
Wherever my laptop is, lol!

What is the best advice you have been given?
Believe it or not, the best advice has been to “write”. Just write, and then write some more. You become better just by experimenting… and writing.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A singer. Singing brings me the most personal pleasure outside of my family, writing a very strong second.

Which do you prefer: hard/paperbacks or ebooks? 
Paper. Back. ALWAYS. I love how they smell and feel. I love the sound of flipping a page. Is that weird?

If you could have any supernatural power, what would you choose and why? 
Fly. I want to soar in the beautiful blue sky. My husband jumped out of a plane once. He said it was one of the most liberating experience of his life. Not only did he just jump-out-of-a-plane, lol, but he said it was so peaceful and quiet on the way down. He was so at peace with himself. I’m jealous because I am afraid of heights and may never know what he speaks of.

What book are you reading now? 
My own. Editing is never over with all my books.


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