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Q & A with Kristy Brown

Awakenings (Kiera's Quest #1)
by Kristy Brown 

Meet Kiera, a pretty, intelligent, and talented girl, brought up by her uncle, and abandoned by her parents. Life is as normal as she believes it to be, apart from the deep ache inside her,
telling her she’s different. For years, Kiera had dreams where she ventures into a different reality. She’s not alone; a presence is always there, keeping her safe, yet she feels vulnerable,
and hunted.

Zakk, Prince of Zantar, is under the Witch Queen’s spell as she tries to take over his world. He crosses paths with Kiera, and their fates are entwined.

As their journey unravels, she learns that she is not the only one affected by this prince. Who is on her side? Will she find out why she has been chosen? How can someone so young, defeat such evil? Will she find the strength to save the ones closest to her? Will this be Kiera’s only Quest?

Great for MG-TEEN readers.( 9+)

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Read It & Reap:  January 7, 2016

Hi I'm Kristy and I live in the U.K. I have always written short stories and poetry. I went to university to study acting which I loved, but my real passion has always been writing. So now I write the kind of stories I would have wanted to read when I was a teen. "Kiera's Quest-Awakenings" is my first ebook. There will be four in the series. I have written the chapters like scenes in a film, with the action cutting to different characters. It's fast paced! Book two-"Sacrifices" came out August 2012(Muse It Up Publishing) Book three, "Perceptions," was released in May. Book four, the last, was out Feb 2014. I am now writing A YA book. My dream is to have them in print someday! I love reading YA angels,vamps etc. I love my kids and hopefully one day they will enjoy my crazy tales!


Q & A with Kristy Brown

1. Tell us a little bit about your main characters. 
The main characters are young teens mostly apart from Zakk who is around sixteen. Kiera has always known that there is something different about her, but she could never have imagined just how special she is! Her best friend Maddy is loyal, feisty and fun, Joe has a major crush on Kiera and Daz, the cool broody one is Maddy's boyfriend. Kiera is pretty much perfect, almost annoyingly so!

2. Who designs the covers for your books and what is that process like for you as an author?
My book covers are designed by the cover artists at my lovely publishers- Muse It Up. They like their authors to be involved in the process. I'll always be asked first what sort of covers I like or dislike. I've had a vague idea of what I have wanted for all four books in the series, the artists always make it a little better!

3. Describe your ideal writing spot.
My perfect writing spot is in my favourite chair when my kids are at school! I need total silence.

4. What is the best advice you have been given?
A friend gave me a sweet piece of advice. "If you write what you love, other people will love it too."

5. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
As a child there were many jobs I wanted to do. I loved to draw so I really wanted to be an artist. At one point I wanted to be a baker, but I'm terrible in the kitchen. Then I trained to be an actress. It wasn't until I reached thirty that I started to write.

6. Which do you prefer: hard/paperbacks or ebooks?
I like both options. I do like to go into a bookstore though! As Kiera's Quest is an e series, I like e -books too! If I'm completely honest, my dream is to have them in print someday.

7. If you could have any supernatural power, what would you choose and why?
If I could have any supernatural power...maybe to see the future so I could help people on their right paths or take them off a destructive one! Maybe it's best not to know sometimes...

8. What book are you reading now?
I have just finished Paper Towns by John Green and have started Gone by Michael Grant.


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