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Q & A with L. Sengul

Title: The Danfians Prophecy
Author: L. Sengul

Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Page Count: 353

Published: November 12, 2012

Read It & Reap Date:  September 24, 2013

Book Description: Chloe Rose discovers that not only is she a human but also a Danfian and a Sofayan...spirits from another planet. She must leave everything she knows as her life is in danger.

Chloe is being pursued as she is the one prophesied to destroy Ivan, the leader of Sofayans who control this world.
Chloe is captured by Alexander, a Sofayan who is a bounty hunter. She ignites a passion within his heart, that lay dormant for centuries. And Chloe feels as if she has been cast under his spell.

Will they stay loyal to their cause or will they give in to their hearts?

Buy Links: Amazon ~ Amazon UK

About the Author:
I've always had a colourful imagination where I would often see stories play out in my mind. It's almost like having my very own movie on the go and how it pans out is up to me! I am inspired by life and all the challenges that we as a human race have to overcome, which will hopefully show in my writing.
I have a beautiful family that keeps me on my toes and my feet very much grounded. Some of my favorite authors include but not limited to are: J.K Rowling, MC Scott (Manda Scott), Khaled Hosseini, Tim Willocks, Stephanie Meyers, Anne Rice, Virginia Andrews, Andrea Levy. As you can see my reading taste fits into many genres, but nothing feeds my mind like a good sci-fi/fantasy that has a romance element to it.

Q & A with L. Sengul

Q:  Tell us a little bit about your main characters.
A:  My main characters are Chloe Rose and Alexander Cruz. Chloe is not your typical 21 year old. She keeps herself to herself. She has always felt like something has been missing in her life. And when strange regime changes start taking place, she starts to feel alive as if an emptiness in her will be filled. At this point Chloe discovers that not only is she human, but a Danfian and a Sofayan (species from another world). Upon the discovery of the prophecy her world is shattered. She has to go on the run and gather an army of Danfians to defeat Ivan the leader of Sofayans. Alexander Cruz is a hardened bounty hunter, who works for Ivan. He is ordered to capture Chloe and bring her to him. However when he sees Chloe, she looks very much like his first love causing him to think differently of Chloe and whether or not he should take her to Ivan.

Q:  What was your favorite scene to write?
A:  There were many favorites, but the most one I feel attached to is the first paragraph of the first chapter "Insight". That was the first scene I started to imagine, before I even knew what the story was going to be about. I could clearly see a girl looking longingly at her one and only love from a distance as he is her enemy, whilst the guy looked like he was in anguish searching for the girl. And from there the characters of Chloe and Alexander developed

Q:  How would you describe your writing style?
A:  I like to write from the point of view of the main characters, I feel this gives a better insight to the characters. As if they are talking to the reader directly, making the reading experience more intimate.

Q:  What do you see as influences on your writing?
A:  I've always been drawn to characters whether fictional or not that have a strong woman lead or a strong female personality, perhaps because my mother is very independent, who raised 3 daughters on her own after her divorce. Especially coming from my background and culture, these types of personalities are suppressed, my mother rebelled and so did I. So in order for me to write a story there is no doubt that my own life experiences influenced me to write a strong female lead and yet the lead is still vulnerable enough to fall in love and be naive to it's complexities.

Q:  If you could be any character from your book, who would you be and why?
A:  I would be Sheena, a Sofayan. Because she enjoys life with a carefree attitude. She is incredibly strong and has a strong telepathy connection with other Sofayans. There is more depth to her character than it first seems and she appears to come across a certain way but behind it all she has a wonderful wisdom about her.

Q:  As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A:  Ok - I remember clearly my teacher asked me in nursery what I wanted to be and I answered with all seriousness "A Princess". I cringe every time when i think of it.

Q:  What book are you reading now?
A:  I am not currently reading anything now. I have a rule that if i'm writing my own book I can't read another one as I find it too distracting. But I can say the next one on my list will be Catching Fire from Suzie Collins.  



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