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Author Interview with Amos Cassidy

The duo of Amos Cassidy, author of Crimson Midnight, were here this week to answer some of our most pressing questions about their writing, their lives, and their supernatural abilities...You don't want to miss this!

Rose wants excitement, bright lights and late nights, but she gets more than she bargained for when she swaps her wholesome country life for the hustle and bustle of London.
The city night is home to hungry shadows, eager to consume her.
Rose discovers there is more to this world than what the mundane eye sees, and that she herself is a part of it. Unexpected friendships are forged and unwanted, sometimes dangerous, attractions flare.

London becomes a playground for magic, danger and supernatural threat. While her life, and those of who she loves, hangs in the balance, she must endeavour to embrace her new nature and assist in identifying the hidden threat before it succeeds in its dark purpose.

An Urban Fantasy filled with moon-praising, flat-dwelling vampires, chic corporate werewolves, bar-tending warlocks, ravenous demons and much, much more.
Step inside...


Watch for Crimson Midnight in an upcoming Read It & Reap!  Can't wait?  Get your copy now!

Thanks for stopping by our blog today! We just have a few things we've been wondering about...First, is it more difficult writing as a pair rather than alone? What additional challenges does that cause?
Amos: You never get stuck for long when you write together. Writing together rocks!

Cassidy: I have written short stories and a novel by myself. However, writing with Amos is so much more fun. We have a blast while brainstorming and there is always someone to talk to about the book! It helps that we have very similar writing styles.

Amos: The school holidays are a challenge when we struggle to find time to meet up as I take care of my younger brother and Cassidy has kiddies to look after.

Cassidy: Apart from that we haven’t really come across any major hurdles while working as a team. We very honest with each other and Amos has a special look that he gives me when I propose a stupid idea (ICE!)

Amos: :-)

Lol! How do you come up with character names? Are your characters based on people in your life?
Cassidy: We think about the qualities the character is going to have, personality, physical description and write out a biography. Sometimes a name just pops into our head, sometimes we give the character a silly name and the perfect name comes to us later.

Amos: One of the characters is based on a real person…but I’m not telling ;)

Hmmm...I guess your readers will have to figure it out on their own ;) Do you have anyone in mind who would be perfect to play Rose in a movie?
Cassidy: We thought about this the other day but no one came to mind. We would be interested to hear other people’s views on this one. If you ask about Raven, however, we would probably say Henry Cavill – Yum!

Amos: Thinking about Rose, a Buffy-era Sarah Michelle Gellar would bring the right energy to the role. 

Good choices. What kind of research was necessary during the writing of Crimson Midnight?
Cassidy: Some internet and Wikipedia research into various mythology but aside from that we just used our imaginations. Oh, and Amos’s excellent knowledge of London. He actually had to get me a tube map so I would be able to visualise the distance between places. I am rubbish with that kind of stuff!

Amos: I slept with a Beta werewolf as part of my research...furry. I prefer the hands on approach.
Cassidy: Can you be serious for just one second!

Amos: Honey, I’m deadly serious.

Cassidy: * huffs in exasperation* Moving swiftly on…

Moving on then...What is the most creative way you have promoted your book?
Cassidy: I wore a billboard and wandered up and down the Soho streets while Amos did a naked jigg…okay, we thought about it but its bloody cold this time of year!

Amos: Now who’s being silly? I wasn’t naked, I was wearing a jockstrap.

Cassidy: I didn’t want to be left out *pouts*

Amos: Don’t pout, Cassidy. You haven’t the lips for it.

Cassidy: To answer the question- all we have done so far is go down the standard promotion routes. If anyone has any creative ideas that don’t involve billboards or jockstraps, please feel free to email us. 

Are you working on a new novel? Can you share a little of your current work with us?
Amos: No, we’ve retired.

Cassidy: *smacks Amos upside the head*

Amos: Ouch!

Cassidy: *ignores Amos* Yes. We are working on Book 2 in the Crimson Series. We don’t have a title yet but are very excited about the direction that it is going in.

Amos: Things are going to get a lot darker this time round. The action, tension and emotions are going nuclear! Oh, and it’s a bit naughty ;)

Cassidy: Courtesy of Amos.

Amos: May I remind you of the prologue…

Cassidy: *blushes*

I'm sure your fans can't wait! Do you have any advice for budding writers?
Amos: If writing and stories is all that you can think about, if you spend most of your free time jotting down ideas and creating, then you are a writer. Don’t give up. Grab the world by its family jewels and make it happen!

Cassidy: What a rousing speech, Amos. I agree. Also read a lot and write a little something everyday.

Now for the hard questions...What book are you reading now?
Amos: Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett and I am loving it!

Cassidy: Water by Terra Harmony for a Read it and Reap. I am really enjoying it so far.

Do you have any hidden talents?
Amos: *goes into deep thought mode*

Cassidy: *looks panicked*

Amos: Um…can I be rude?

Cassidy: Maybe you should skip this question, Amos.

Amos: I make a mean Quorn lasagne.

Cassidy: I can cry on demand! Seriously, I should have been an actress!

Amos: I have indifference down to a fine art.

Cassidy: I’m a good listener.

Amos: I can pole dance.

Cassidy: I can sing! And I could dance circles around him!

Amos: Um…as you can probably tell, we’re both pretty competitive.

Thank you so much for taking the time to be with us this week. Just one final question...If you could be any supernatural creature, what would it be and why?
Amos: A merman! 

Cassidy: I always knew there was something fishy about you.

Amos: Seriously, Cassidy, that was really bad. I changed my mind…I would be a hot male siren and lure hot sailors into the ocean to add to my hot harem.

Cassidy: Some kind of immortal being, maybe a beautiful fey woman, royalty of course. I would love to be waited on for a change.

About Amos Cassidy
Amos Cassidy - a team of two. Amos is a 28 year old Diva and Cassidy a 35 year old mum of two.

They have been writing together since 2009 and 'Tales from the Ether' is their first publication.

Their debut novel 'Crimson Midnight' is also now available in ebook format.

Find Amos Cassidy here:




  1. Great interview! It must be lots of fun being able to write together. :)

  2. Awww, this made me want to have a writing partner. Fun interview!! Thanks.

  3. hehehe made me laugh so bad. Great interview!

  4. So now we really know you, not just the quiet little things we see at book club. Great interview


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