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Giveaway: The Nightlife London by Travis Luedke

Title: The Nightlife London
Author: Travis Luedke
Series: The Nightlife Series
Genre: Urban Fantasy Romance/Vampires
Publisher: Self Published
Release Date: December 23 2013
The Nightlife Series is violent, sexy, and occasionally violently sexy.

Vampires Aaron and Michelle prowl the dark, gritty, strip clubs and back alleys of London on the hunt for Michael Jamison, the man who stole Michelle's blood and left her for dead. To assist them, Aaron’s new master, Urvashi, calls in favors from her friends, Russian mercenary werewolves.

Wolves Katya and Ivan, hunters adept at killing rogue vampires, set aside their animosity for Aaron and Michelle to stop Jamison from murdering another woman – he already has one bloodless victim lying in the morgue.

Jamison, ex-special forces, feels his enemies closing in, but he won’t go down without a fight –and like Aaron and Michelle, he also has powerful friends.

Experience the violent, sensual underbelly of Nightlife London, as Aaron and Michelle mix up a wicked blend of sex, chaos, mayhem, and vengeance.

The Nightlife Series novels are Adult Paranormal Romance ~ Urban Fantasy Thriller:



The next evening, right after sunset, lounging on golden-weaved pillows in their pastel striped hotel suite, Aaron explained Urvashi’s plans to Michelle.  She reacted as expected – not happy.
“What is she doing now?  Chienne fou.  She will kill us all.”  Despite her ire, Michelle pecked Aaron on the cheek and held his chin, pinning him with her vivid, emerald green gaze.  Her flawless pale skin, elegant, patrician features and golden-blonde hair had never failed to hold his attention, but it was her eyes that always snared him.
“Michelle, you have to trust her.  I trust her.”  He wished he could share his connection to Urvashi with Michelle, the way they used to share everything.
“You are blinded by your bond to her.  For me, is simple.  She does not love you and I do.”
“This has nothing to do with love.  It’s about getting the job done.  You’ve been hot to find Michael Jamison for weeks.  We’ve gotten nowhere until last night.  This is our first lead since he killed that bank teller.”
Although the BBC news declared the woman’s death a cardiac arrest, Urvashi had ferreted out the truth.  The woman had been left in the alley, short a couple pints of blood, with telltale puncture wounds on her neck.  Aaron continually wondered why Jamison murdered the bank teller.  Maybe he simply couldn’t stop feeding until he killed her, an accident of sorts.
Michelle pulled Aaron’s face to her, nose to nose.  Oui, mon amour, we will find him soon enough.  But I have always worked alone.  I trust no one but you.”
He took her hands, curling his fingers with hers.  Michelle had gone through hell with her master, Julian, decades ago.  The man had fucked her head up royally.
“That was the life Julian taught you.  But it is not our life.  Michelle, I want to live, with you, for real.  No more hiding in nightclubs and back alleys.  We are going to start building a life, connecting with people, trusting people.  We’ll start with Urvashi.  My father said people deserve the benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise.  Trust is a two-way street.  You have to give to receive.”
“You cannot see her.  She is dangerous to you, like we are dangerous to people.  And you are blind to her as people are blind to us.”
“I know things about her you don’t understand.  She is ancient, older than even she knows.  But beneath all those hundreds of years lies a person, a woman, and she can be trusted.  I believe she is worthy of our trust.”
“How do you know she is a woman?  Is a mask.  She can change shape.  She is not human.  I smell her.  I see her aura.  She is something else.  A fallen angel?  Is très mal.  I have not lived a hundred years by being stupid.  She is dangerous.”
“Okay, even if you’re right, it doesn’t change anything.  I am bound to her.  We have to find a way to make the best of it.”
Urvashi entered Aaron and Michelle’s hotel suite with divinely impeccable timing.
Michelle snarled, “Quand on parle du loup!”  Speak of the devil.
Urvashi held her hands in the air with an exultant grin.  “And here I am.”
“Ladies, can’t we just get along?”  One of these days he’d have a wicked catfight on his hands.  And it’d be ugly.  Inevitable.
“Of course.  I just came to make sure you two were ready for our next big adventure.”  Urvashi’s static powered fingertips traced his shoulder.  “I hope you appreciate how much trouble you have been.  Beyond her.”  Urvashi pointed towards Michelle, as if it was so horrible to tolerate her presence.  Aaron’s autonomy with Michelle had been granted by Urvashi, begrudgingly, at his steadfast insistence.
The severity of his master’s eyes spoke to serious business.  “I called in favors on this one.  Albanians are not easy to deal with.  But I happen to know people who spent some time in Kosovo.  They have dealt with the KLA and the mafia families before.”
“Friends in low places?”
“Unfortunately, yes.  We meet them tomorrow night.  Bring the katanas.”
“What good are swords against guns?”
“Just bring them.”

Enter to Win - A Progressive Giveaway! 

For every 50 Adds of  THE NIGHTLIFE LONDON  to the Goodreads "To Read" Shelf, there will be a winner and a new prize level will be opened!

There will be 1 WINNER for each level below:

• 50 adds to Goodreads TBR 
 - Digital Copy Blood Slave 

• 100 adds to Goodreads TBR 
Digital Copy Blood Slave  + $10 Amazon Gift Card

• 150 adds to Goodreads TBR 
Digital Copy Blood Slave  + $20 Amazon Gift Card

• 200 adds to Goodreads TBR 
Digital Copy The Nightlife Series Omnibus  + $40 Amazon Gift Card

Coming June 9, 2014:

The Nightlife San Antonio

Vampires, Mafia & Mayhem:
The Nightlife San Antonio is violent, sexy, and occasionally violently sexy.

All she wanted was to escape the police. All he wanted was to get laid. They both got more than they bargained for.

EMT on call, Adrian Faulkner resuscitates a beautiful woman after a Mexican mafia shootout. He can't explain why he picks her up in the hospital parking lot three days later and then ducks the San Antonio police and the Feds. Well, the hot sex might have something to do with it.

She needed to hide. With no memory of even her name, she didn't know from who. She only knew she wasn't safe.

Adrian soon learns she is much more than a damsel in distress, and he’s stuck with her. It isn't long before the past she cannot remember begins to catch up with them both…

THE NIGHTLIFE SAN ANTONIO is a non-stop thrill ride through the shadowy borderworld of mafia politics and vampires – and sex.

About the Author:

Travis Luedke is a husband, father, and author of Urban Fantasy Thriller, Paranormal Romance, Contemporary Fantasy, Young Adult Fiction, and Sci-fi. He is currently catching a 3rd degree sunburn in San Antonio, Texas, and loving every minute of it.

As the author of the Nightlife Series novels, Travis lives very vicariously through his writings. He invites you to enjoy his macabre flights of fancy, but be warned: The Nightlife Series is violent, sexy, and occasionally violently sexy.

Author Links:  

Goodreads ● G+ ● Twitter ● Wattpad ● Website ● Email 

Book Links:

Amazon ● Goodreads 

Tour Coordinator:

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