Title: The Miss Education of Dr. Exeter Series: Book Three in the Phaeton Black, Paranormal Investigator Series Author: Jillian Stone Genre: Historical paranormal romance with steampunk and erotic elements Page Count: 320 Publisher: Kensington Published: June 25, 2013 Book Description: Plunge deeper into the curious world of the deadly Nightshades. The Moonstone is having a destabilizing effect on the time/space membrane leaving Phaeton trapped in a parallel mirror world where everything is opposite or upside down, yet oddly the same. He is held captive by Domina Valour and tested sorely in this darkly sensual third episode of the Phaeton Black series. Gaspar Sinclair can't go after Phaeton. His physical body is unraveling before everyone's eyes. America Jones is large with child, but only she has the preternatural ability to locate Phaeton and bring him back. And Doctor Exeter's beautiful charge, Mia, has her claws in him. Quite literally....
She reads books as one would breathe air, to fill up and live. -Annie Dillard