Title: Demon King's Desire Author: J.L. Sheppard Series: Elemental Sisters Genre: Paranormal Romance Pages: 247 Published: January 2013 Jenna Jenson is a 25-year-old journalist living and working in New York. She’s tried to locate her four sisters after being separated from them following their mother’s death. A reporter for New York News newspaper, she is investigating the seven deaths and three disappearances when she’s attacked by a man whose supernatural abilities supersede her super hearing, strength and abnormal reflexes. She is rescued by a handsome powerful demon, Lucas, and powers she never knew she possessed are revealed. Lucas, the demon king, has been fighting Malum Inmortalis, evil immortals, for centuries. After a war in his demon plane and home, Treconomia, that killed his entire family, he’s dedicated his life to combating Malums. He created the Guardian league to help save immortals and humankind from the Malum...
She reads books as one would breathe air, to fill up and live. -Annie Dillard