My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Fire with Fire is the second book in the Demonblood series by Penelope King. All I can say is wow. I received the first book in this series, A Demon Made Me Do It, for review, and as soon as I read the last sentence I immediately got on Amazon and purchased this book. I just was not ready for the drama to be finished. Unfortunately, now I have to wait until this summer to get my next fix.
Fire with Fire continues the story of Liora and Lucky. It picks up the story a couple of months down the road from where the first book had ended. Liora/Lucky is impatiently awaiting Kieron's return. In the meantime, Liora finds something akin to love in the new boy, Tristan, and Lucky is finding comfort in the arms of an old friend, Bones. But, things are not always what they seem, and soon Liora and Lucky have to figure out who it is they can really trust. When a series of attacks lead them and their friends into hostile territory, misplaced trust will take them on a journey that can only end in tragedy.
So, where to start? I love this story, but I'm not sure what to say without giving too much away! In this book Liora is still struggling with trying to be "normal" and getting through the last few months of high school. She finds comfort in Tristan, and even when concerns are raised about their relationship, Liora defends him, possibly alienating her one and only friend. At the same time, Lucky, having no idea what kind of trouble Liora has gotten herself into, is struggling to understand and control her feelings for her best friend, which is much more complicated with Kieron away. She is also really struggling with her own low self-esteem, putting the blame on herself for everything that goes wrong. Kieron…I'm not sure what to do with him. First you love him, then you hate him, then you love him, then you hate him…right now I love him, but we'll have to see where that goes in the next book. And then there is Bones. Hmmm…I'm not going to say too much about him, because I can't without giving away way too much information, but I love Bones so much! He's so sexy and sweet and caring and loving and cuddly…and did I mention sexy?! (view spoiler)
This book, like the first in the series, was fast moving and unpredictable. There were moments when I thought I knew what was going to happen, and then…surprise! I was wrong, and of course what was written was way better than what I had came up with in my head. And the ending…another cliffhanger. The characters are so very well written that you just feel like you know them, whether it is to love them or hate them. They stick with you and make you want more.
The worlds the author has created are complex and unique. It's really amazing how you can have two separate worlds in this book that are overlapping and coexisting but yet not really interacting. I think the story idea in this series is so unique. Normally the demons are portrayed as the bad guys, but here that's not the case. When Lucky goes tormenting it is people who are breaking the law, usually against innocent people.
So, long story short, I love this series and cannot wait for this summer so I can read the next in the series.
Love this!
"Damn you to Hell, you–!" But before Tristan can finish the words, the marble freezes his mouth in a terrifying, silent scream.
Kieron throws his head back in a laugh. "Sorry, man. If only it were that easy. But we've been banned from there, too!"
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