Title: Prince of Shadows Series: Moonlight Series, book 8 Author: Nancy Gideon Genre: Paranormal Date of Publication: May 27, 2013 Number of Pages: 384 Buy Links: Amazon Barnes and Noble Book Description: A gentle female held hostage in a deadly play for power, Kendra Terriot’s only means of survival for herself and her family is to play to a careful courtship game. The one she chooses from her clan’s dangerous heirs will inherit the coveted crown, keeping her their prisoner forever . . . unless she can retain her virtue until rescue arrives. Favored son of their brutal Shifter leader, the only calm in Cale Terriot’s violent world is a childhood love for his delicate distant cousin whom he’s pledged to make his queen. With Kendra at his side, he knows he can become the kind of ruler his clan needs...
She reads books as one would breathe air, to fill up and live. -Annie Dillard